This is the reference documentation for the Zeda Feedback API.

Zeda Feedback API is a public API to collect feedback from any source. It provides our customers a way to hear their user feedback.

Some of the general principles for our public APIs are mentioned below which includes, Security, Authentication, and Rate Limiting.


This API is an SSL-only API, regardless of how you may have your account configured. You must be a user with a workspace in Active or In-trial state to make API requests.

If you haven’t already created an account with Zeda, one can signup here.


The Zeda Feedback API supports Basic Authorisation flow using the auth key. Auth Key is a special key generate for each workspace for integrations. Sample code:

curl --location '<>' \\
--header 'Authorization: {auth_key}'

How to get the Auth Key?

  1. Login into your account.
  2. From the side nav, click on workspace icon and navigate to Settings.
  3. In the side nav, click on Public API.
  4. Copy the auth key and use it in request header.

Rate Limiting

Each endpoint in the Feedback API is rate limited. If the rate limit is exceeded, Zeda will respond with a HTTP 429 Too Many Requests response code.